The Scottish Goatkeepers Federation is a registered charity founded in 1921. Its aims are to encourage and promote keeping, breeding and showing goats and to provide news and information to our members.
Scottish Charity Number: SC030374
Our aims are to circulate knowledge and general information about goats. We try to extend and encourage the keeping of all breeds and types of goats and to further the improvement of all breeds of goats.
We do our utmost to try to protect goats against cruelty from any source, whether it be intentional or unintentional.
We encourage the production of milk, meat, fibre in different breeds of goats, but we also recognise that goats are often kept for other reasons e.g. harness goats or simply as pets.
We keep members in touch with goat health developments and government legislation affecting goat keepers. We offer support and advice in goat keeping matters, in addition to that given on the BGS Website.
We love to hear from you- Email us, and we will get back to you soon.
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